360° Solutions

New School Year Setup II

The following data setup should be done after the New School Year Setup I has been completed.


I. Data Setup for the academic office that can be run before or after the new school year is active.  These functions are usually run by the academic office staff.


1. Change teachers for applicable sections.

  1. To assign a teacher to a section individually, see Adding Teachers to a Section.

  2. To assign a teacher to a group of class sections at one time, see Update Teachers by Section.


2. Create Rotation Schedule - create the calendar for scheduling.


3. Schedule classes - classes must be scheduled in order to take attendance. Classes can either be scheduled through School Administration > Create Class Sections, or by using the Scheduler.


4. Enroll students in a Homeroom class. The student dropdowns on the portal will not work properly if the students are not in a homeroom.


5. Enroll students in classes and courses. Use the Enroll by Mass or Enroll by Drag & Drop.



II. Data Setup after the new school year is active.  The new school year becomes active on the From Date in Tools > Code Setup > Student > Academics > Terms. These functions should be run only  after the previous school year has been closed and the new school year is active.


1.  Update Student Dates - Update the graduating students' left date with the date they left the division by running the Update Student Dates report in the  Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Update Student Dates.

Note that this function must be run after the term's ending date. See Update Student Dates.


2. Refresh Account Switches - Update the Parent & Former Parent flags and dates on the Demographic > Account page by running the Refresh Account Switches report in the Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > B10.1 - Refresh Account Switches.


The following reports are used for tracking parent and gradparent accounts. See also Tracking Parents and Grandparents.


3. Create Parent Associations - Add parents to the Parent association by running the Create Parent Association update report in the Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > B20 - Create Parent Association.


4. Update Parent Associations to Former - Add all parents who no longer have a student in the current term to a Former Parent association. Run the Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > B30.1 - Update Parent Associations to Former.


5. Refresh Grandparent Associations - Update accounts' grandparent and former grandparent associations for easy reporting and grouping by running the Refresh Grandparent Associations in the Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > B40 - Refresh Grandparent Associations.


6. Refresh Association Parent Of - Add associations for accounts that are parents of accounts in another association, such as great-grandparents. Run the Refresh Association Parent of in Query Builder > Update Reports > Public > School > Functions > B50 - Refresh Association Parent Of.


7. Reset Applicant Flag


8. Refresh Alumni Tracking - Move graduated students to their own account by running the  Refresh Alumni Tracking utility.



II. Additional setup for features that may be applicable to your school:


1. Conduct: Go to Tools > Codes Setup > Student > Web Advanced > Conduct > Consequence Date Ranges. Make sure to set up new date ranges with accurate dates for the new term.


2. Copy Transportation - copy students' transportation records (busses and stops) from one year to the next. Students who have any transportation records for the to term year will not receive new transportation records.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > Academics > Functions > Copy Transportation.

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)


3. Update Mail Carrier - mark the youngest or oldest child in each family as the mail carrier, for times when the school wants to send information home to just one student per family.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Update Mail Carrier


4. Copy Students Lockers - copy students' lockers from one year to the next.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Copy Student Lockers

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)




III. While setting up the new school year, you may wish to hide certain features from your staff and parent body, until you are ready to release the information immediately before school opening:


1. To hide the upcoming school year on the portal, go to Tools  > Code Setup > School > Academics > Terms and ensure that Is Active on the Web is not checked off. Admin users of the portals will be able to see the new term even when it is not selected as active on the web.


2. Hide the courses module on the Parent Portal if you are not ready to release the information to the parents. Other modules you may opt to hide are student schedules, teacher schedules, and assignment grades.


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