360° Solutions

New School Year Final Setup Checklist

Before opening the new school year, use the checklist below to confirm that any applicable items to your school have been set up.


General Setup:


1. Use the Setup Validation on your Staff Web Portal under Admin > Setup Validation to verify that students are enrolled, term and marking period dates are accurate, classes are scheduled, etc.


2. Term Dates have been set up. Use the Setup Validation to verify the:

a. Start and end dates of the term

b. Term quarter dates for each division are correct.


3. Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Terms Is Active on the Web is selected for the new term.


Parent Portal:

4. Turn on to display any modules that you may have hidden on the Parent Portal over the summer such as Courses and Schedules.


5. Check that non-academic classes such as lunch, behavior, etc. are not displayed on the list of courses for parents and students to see. Hide those courses using the Hide from Parents option in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Classes.


Mobile Portal:

6. Remind staff to use the convenient mobile portal to take attendance.



7. Spot check that schedules have been set up accurately for a few different dates, especially the first few days of school. Student Schedule, Sign In/Out and Class Attendance are good screens to use for this spot checking.



8. Classes must be scheduled in order to take attendance.


9. Every student must be enrolled in a Daily Attendance class. Use the Setup Validation to verify that all students are enrolled in a Daily Attendance class.


10. If a student is marked absent for 1st period, you should see the words “Out All Day” in the Status column on the Attendance by Class screen on the portal. Please test this in each division before school starts.


11. Scheduled Attendance Reports should be set up. If you deactivated any of these queries toward the end of the last year, make sure to reactivate them before the new school year begins.


12. Conduct - Make sure to set up new date ranges with accurate dates for the new term in Tools > Codes Setup > Student > Web Advanced > Conduct > Consequence Date Ranges.



13. Verify Marking Periods were copied from last year using the Setup Validation.


14. Reminder: Gradebook can generate automatic emails when student score above or below certain scores.



15. Use our convenient Import to set up transportation for the new school year. Also use the Setup Validation for a count of students with transportation and the names of students without transportation.


Useful Features:

16.   Email class lists to parents – This is a nice gesture to parents. Please contact your account manager if you’d like to use this feature.


17. Class list with photos – Remind teachers that they can print their class lists with student photos to get acquainted with their students before school starts.


18.   Admission Cards – Post admission cards for parents to print from the parent portal.












