360° Solutions

New School Year Setup I

Before entering data for the new school year, the new term will need to be setup in 360°.

These tasks are typically done in the middle of the previous school year in order for schools to start on registration for the upcoming one. They will not affect the current school year.

When the current term is over (for example, in July), proceed to the New School Year Setup II.


For more information on running an update report, see Running an Update Function.


I. New Term Setup


1. Create New Term - will create a new school term. It will copy the term quarter dates from a previous term and increment the year by one.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Create New Term.

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From  Term (ex: RG2014)

b. New Term Description (ex: 2014 - 2015)


2. Set up the term's Date From in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Terms.

Beginning on that day, the grade displayed next to a student’s name will be the grade for the new year. Teachers may no longer be able to access Gradebook and Grading screens once the new school year starts. You may want to take that into consideration when determining the date to start your new school year.

Please make sure that school years do not overlap and that there are no gaps between school years.


3. If using 360° for Tuition Contracts, go to Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Terms > Charges tab and make sure the Start Billing Date is correct for the new school year.


II. Promote Students

Promoting students will not affect their current grade. It will add a new grade for the next term, leaving the current one untouched. It will not enroll students in any classes either.


1. Make sure the promote grades are set up correctly in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Grades. On the Info tab, the field Promote To should be populated with the next year's grade if promoted. Example: Grade 1's Promote To should be 2. Grade 2 would be 3.  Leave the field empty for grades that do not get promoted (ex: 8th or 12th).


2. In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Promote Students.

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)


III. Set up Contract Fees (if using 360° for Tuition Contracts)


1. Copy Contract Fees  - will copy the tuition contract prices from the current year. You may then adjust them in Tools > Code Setup > School > Contracts > Contract Price Setup.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Copy Contract Fees

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)


2. Create Tuition Contracts - there is a report that can be run to create tuition contracts for all families with students in the selected term. It is recommended to first create a few individual contracts and confirm the fees are correct before creating the contracts en masse.


IV. Create Sections


1. Copy Sections to New Term - will copy the class sections from the current school year to the upcoming one. The sections can then be edited as needed in the School Administration. The step must be done before students can be enrolled in any classes.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Copy Sections to New Term.

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)

The update query must be run per division.


VI. Additional Setup Functions as applicable to your school.


1. Copy Period Schedule - will copy the period schedule from one year to the next.

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Copy Period Schedules.

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)

The period schedules can then be viewed and edited in Tools > Code Setup > School > Schedule > Period Schedule.



2. Copy Marking Periods

In the Query Builder, run the update report: Query Builder > Update Tab > Public > School > Functions > Copy Marking Periods.

Be sure to fill in the following fields:

a. From Term (ex: RG2014)

b. To Term (ex: RG2015)

See Marking Periods for adjusting the dates in Tools > Code Setup > Students > Academics > Grading > Marking Periods.