360° Solutions

Refresh Account Switches

Update Report: Public/School/Functions/B10.1-Refresh Account Switches

Use: This report updates the parent and former parent flags and dates that are found on the Demographics > Account page.


  • An account is marked as a parent or former parent account, even if only one person on the account is a parent. For example, if the primary is linked in the system as a father to a student, the account will be marked as a parent regardless of whether the spouse is linked as a mother or father..

  • Parent - If the primary or spouse on an account is designated as the mother or father of a student with a grade in the current term, the account will be updated as a Parent account. (The Current Term is determined by the From and To dates of the term in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Terms.  There should only be one term where the current date falls between the From and To dates of the term.). See the People page for assigning a mother and father to a student. The earliest From date of the terms for which the account is a parent will be marked as the date the account became a Parent.

  • Former Parent - If the primary or spouse on an account is designated as the mother or father of a student with a grade in a previous term but not the current term, the account will be marked as a Former Parent. The latest To date of the terms for which the account was a parent will be saved indicating the date the account became a former parent.



1. Select the report under the Query Builder's Public > School > Functions > B10.1-Refresh Account Switches.


2. Select Preview.


3. Enter the following parameters:

  • User - select your user name to log the data.

  • Account - to refresh the flags for specific accounts only, enter the account number(s). This is useful if an account needs to be updated in middle of the school year. Ignore this prompt to run it for all accounts.


4. Click Done.


5. When completed, a message "Report Executed Successfully" will display.



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