360° Solutions

Assigning Roles

A user must belong to a Role in order to access the portals.


I. Pre-Requisites - in order to assign roles to a user:

  1. The user must have an account and a person record. See Demopgraphics > People.
  2. The user must have a teacher record in Tools > CodeSetup > School > Academics > Teachers > Teachers. See Adding a New Teacher.
  3. Role Types must be set up in Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Roles > Role Types.


II. Assigning Roles by Division or Grade - a user can be assigned a role based on a whole school division, which will give the user access to the entire division, or a specific grade. For example, a Middle School principal may be given a role of the MS division to access the Middle School division data, or just access to grades 5 and 6.


   A. Roles by Division

  1. Go to Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Roles > Roles by Division.
  2. Add a record for each person per role and division. For example, the Lower School secretary may receive the role of Office for division PS and LS by adding two records for the same person with different divisions. See Roles by Division.


   B. Roles by Grade

  1. Go to Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Roles > Roles by Grade.

  2. Add a record for each person per role and grade. For example, the College Advisor may receive the role of Advisor for just grade 12. See Roles by Grade.


III. Set up permissions for the Role Types - permission to access certain features and functionality can be set up for each role type. The settings and options that are available to be assigned to users are found in Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Roles > Role Feature Types. These settings should not be modified unless instructed by a DDC representative.

To assign the settings and permissions to the users:

  1. Go to Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Roles > Role Feature Roles.

  2. Add a record for each feature type that is being assigned to a role. To assign multiple features to a role, add a record for each feature type. All users belonging to that role type will receive the features added.

  3. A feature type can also be assigned to a specific person only in the Role Feature Roles by adding a feature record and selecting the person in the Feature AmfID field.


IV. Refresh Roles - the web portals must have the roles refreshed in order for the changes above to go into effect. See Refreshing Roles.




See Also