Courses Missing from Student Transcript
If a student's transcript is not displaying some courses, the issue is usually data-related. Check that the following data is inputted correctly:
1. The student has a grade record for every term that there is a course. This includes transfer students. If there is a course entered for a student for any term, the student must also have a grade for the same term.
2. Confirm that the student's grade for each term is correct. The course may not be displaying if the grade for the selected term is not being displayed on the transcript.
3. Confirm that the class section of the course has at least one semester selected in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Classes > Class Sections. Find the correct class section for the term and check the semesters.
4. Confirm that the student is actually enrolled in the course and the correct term on the Courses panel under the Student module.
5. Confirm that the student has a mark for the course.