360° Solutions

Gradebook: Adding Assignments

To add assignments, homeworks, quizzes, tests, etc. to mark on the Gradebook module:


  1. On the Gradebook Grades tab, select Add from the Actions section.

  2. The Add Assignment window will open.


3. Enter the information in the following fields:

Field Description
Category Select the category (ex: homework, quiz, test).
When using weighted categories, only categories defined in the setup will be available.
Visibility Select where the assignment will display.
  • Gradebook/Assignments- it will display in both the Gradebook module and on the Calendar.
  •  Gradebook and on the Parent/Student schedules.
  • Gradebook only - it will display only in Gradebook and not on the Parent/Student schedules, for assignments that are not to be visible to the parents or students.
  • Assignments only - this option is available when a teacher adds an assignment through the Parent Portal. It will show in their calendar and not Gradebook.
Don't Count in Limits The assignment may be excluded from the limits (maximum number of assignments that can be assigned to the students). See Limits.
Title Enter the title of the assignment. This will display as the hyperlink text on the student's calendar. The student will click on the title to view the assignment details.
Description Enter the details of the assignment.
The student will be able to view this when clicking on the title link on the student calendar.

Post applicable links relating to the assignment.

Click on the Go button to test the link before adding.

Link - teacher can post applicable links relating to the assigment.

tip- click on the "Go" button to test the link before adding.


Attachment - attach a file for student.

Click on the red X to remove it.

Attachment Attach optional file(s) to the assignment for the students to download and view. Click on the red x to remove.
Each attachment should be 2MB or less to avoid any speed issues in loading large files.
Sections A teacher who teaches multiple class sections may add the assignment to multiple sections simultaneously instead of manually adding it to each one by selecting the section from the dropdown and clicking Add Section.

  • Click on the red X to remove the assignment from a section.

  • Assigned - the date the assignment will be visible on the student's calendar. The teacher may add the assignment in advance and select a date from when the students will be able to view it on their calendars.

  • Due Date - the date the assignment is due. The due date will determine in which marking period the assignment's mark will be averaged into based on the marking period dates. If the due date falls into the second marking period, the mark will be calculated into the second marking period's average mark.

Note: If marking period dates overlap, the assignment may fall into more than one marking period and be included in multiple averages. For example, if marking period Progress Report 1 goes from 9/1 - 11/1 and Quarter 1 goes from 9/1 - 12/31, an assignment due on 10/15 will be averaged into both.

  • Override - an overriding due date may be entered to force the mark to be included into another marking period's average instead of the marking period of the due date's date. To include the assignment into the third marking period, for example, instead of the second, enter any date that falls into the third marking period's date range.

  • Marking Period - a specific marking period may be selected in cases where a marking period is marked as standalone. These marking periods will only have assignments that are selected here for the marking period and not look at the due date. Examples may include regent test marks for a separate marking period of Regent in order to display it on the report card. Only marking periods set up as Is standalone in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Grading > Marking Periods Type - Is Standalone will be available.

Note: Assignments assigned to a standalone marking period will not be included in any other marking period.

  • Points - Enter the maximum number of points a student can earn for the assignment. This may have an impact on assignments that are weighted.


When adding additional sections to the assignment, the dates and values selected above will be copied over and may be overwritten and changed for different sections.



4. Select Save to save and add the new assignment.


5. The assignment will display as a new column in the Grades grid and the teacher can enter marks.





To edit an assignment column, click in a cell in the column and select Edit from the grades header. The screen above will open.