Adding a Donation
A donation consists of a pledge a donation. A donation is most often a payment that was received without a prior pledge. Adding a donation creates both the pledge and payment together.
To add a donation:
1. Launch the Add Donation wizard by either:
- On the Pledges
or Payments forms, click on the
Add Donation icon
on the toolbar. Alternatively, right-click on the pledges or payments grid and select Add Donation from the menu.
- On the Tasks
panel, select the Add
Donation icon
2. The Add Donation wizard will launch with the following pages:
- Donation - enter the information regarding the donation and a pledge and payment will be created from the data entered. The donation may be saved by selecting Finish or Finish & New without proceeding to the subsequent pages, or the wizard may be continued with the next pages.
- Distribution - the donation may be applied toward an existing pledge.
- Receipt Info - receipt information may be updated.
3. The following messages may display:
Message | Description |
Popup: There is an undeposited check for this amount. Check # (check#) was applied to (Campaign ID). Do you wish to record the current batch # and bank on that check? | There is a payment for this
account for the same amount as the donation being entered that
was not deposited. Instead of adding this new donation, do you
want to update the existing payment with the batch # and bank
of the donation being added.
Select YES to update the existing payment and cancel the donation being added. The donation wizard will remain open to add another donation. Select NO to continue adding the donation. |
Flash in Status Bar: Open Pledges Exist | There are pledges with outstanding
balances for the account.
This message is just informative if you want to apply a payment to an existing pledge instead of adding a new pledge with the donation. |
4. Click Finish to save the donation or Finish & New to save the donation and add a new one.