360° Solutions


Data Entry Page:


The Account data entry page is accessed from the Demographic > Account page, or when adding or editing an account through the New Account Wizard.


The page contains general account information.


Field Name Description

Account Sub-Type

Accounts may be categorized into groups, if applicable. Ex: Foundations, Vendors
Note that an account may only be assigned one sub-type. Associations are therefore more commonly used.
Letter Type If an account should receive a specific categorization of mail, it may be flagged here. The letter type may then be used in the query criteria to include the targeted group.
Reference ID An alternate account ID, which may be alpha-numeric and editable, may be selected. The reference id may then be displayed on the account header of the forms throughout the system along with the account id.
The reference id may be configured with the following options in Tools > Options Setup.
  • The reference id may be set to a specific number of characters by setting the option Reference ID Length.
  • The reference id may be set to default in a specific format by setting the option ReferenceNumberFormat. For example, it may be set to populate as first letter of first name, first 3 letters of last name, first 3 characters of the address. So John Smith at 123 Main Street would be JSMI123.
Mail Status A status may be selected to flag an account as No Mail for example. The status may then be excluded in a report's query criteria. Note the criteria would need to be added to any relevant queries.
Account Status An account may be assigned a status, such as Inactive, which may then be excluded in a report's query criteria. Note the criteria would need to be added to any relevant queries.
Flags Flags are used to categorize accounts. Accounts may belong to more than one flag group. Flags are also viewable on the Demographics > Master Flags page.
Some flags may be updated through update queries such as the Parent and Former Parent categories, by running the Refresh Account Switches report.
Security Groups Accounts may be assigned to one or more of the 26 security groups. Groups may be excluded from reports by using the Query Builder Security feature.