360° Solutions

Gradebook: Emails

Gradebook can be configured to send out emails based on the marks a student receives for an assignment.


I. Pre-requisites - the following must be set up in order for the emails to be sent out:


1. DivisionSettings must be set up in Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Division Settings:

  1. GB.EmailParentsPositiveSubject – The subject of the positive emails. (ex: Student Achievement Update).
  2. GB.EmailParentsPositiveBody – The text of the body of the positive email in HTML format.  (Ex: Dear {SalutLastName},<br /> <br /> We are pleased to inform you that your son, {FirstName}, has received {Percentage} on {TeacherName}’s {AssignmentType} on {DueDate}. We are so proud of him and we hope that you will encourage him to keep up his good work.<br/><br /> Please feel free to contact me about this or any other matter regarding your son’s progress.<br /><br /> Mr. Gregory Smith<br />Director of Student Achievement <br /> ABC Boys High School <br />(888)333-1111 ext. 400 <br /> (888) 333-2222)
  3. GB.EmailParentsNegativeSubject – The subject of the negative emails (ex: Important - Student Progress Update).
  4. GB.EmailParentsNegativeBody - The text of the body of the negative email in HTML format.  (Ex: Dear {SalutLastName},<br /> <br /> We regret to inform you that your son, {FirstName}, has scored {Percentage} on {TeacherName}’s {AssignmentType} on {DueDate}. We trust that you will discuss this with him and take steps to ensure that his grades will improve.<br/><br /> Please feel free to contact me about this or any other matter regarding your son’s progress.<br /><br /> Mr. Gregory Smith<br />Director of Student Achievement <br /> ABC Boys High School <br />(888)333-1111 ext. 400 <br /> (888) 333-2222)
  5. GB.EmailParentsFromAmfId - The person id (amfid) from whom the email will be sent. The email will appear as if sent from the person selected.


2. Marks to trigger the emails - The marks to trigger the positive and negative emails need to be set up in Gradebook under the Setup > General > Categories. For each category, enter a mark for the Email Positive, to send a positive email for that mark or above, and for the Email Negative, to send a negative email for that mark or below. The positive and negative emails will use the text set up above in Division Settings.


II. Using the Email Feature:


1. The assignments must be marked as Visible to the Parent Portal in order to have an email generated for the marks received. See Displaying Marks on the Parent Portal.

Note: If the assignment was already visible and a mark for a student was then entered, an email will be sent for the new mark, if applicable.


2. The mark must be added (add date) before the date the marking period(s) of the assignment is closed. If the marking period(s) that the assignment is part of is already closed, an email will not get sent.


3. If the assignment was unpublished and then republished, the email will not get sent again. However, if the email failed to send, the teacher can unflag it as visible and then flag it as visible again to send out the emails that failed to send the first time.


4. All negative emails get routed to the admin. The admin can then:

  • Approve the email - the email will get sent to the parents.

  • Reject the email - the email will be replaced with one that says Rejected.

Admins can filter their communications to show only gradebook emails for convenience.