360° Solutions

Gradebook: Annual Tab

Gradebook can calculate a year-end average to the marking period of Annual.


I. Pre-Requisites:

  1. A Marking Period of Annual must be set up for each division using this feature in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Grading > Marking Periods.
  2. Define the Marking Period Schemes in Tools > Code Setup > School > Academics > Grading > Marking Period Scheme. Ex: Full year, 1st Half of year, 2nd Half of year, Midterm and Final, Midterm only, Final only, Midterm and Regents.
  3. Define the Marking Period Weights in Tools > Code Setup > School> Academics > Grading > Marking Period Weights.
    1. Add a marking period weight for each marking period scheme set up above.
    2. Include all marking periods that will be included in that scheme.
    3. For example: Quarter 1: 20%, Quarter 2: 30%, Quarter 3: 20%, Quarter 4: 30%.
  4. The marking period schemes must be selected when setting up the settings for the class sections on the Gradebook Setup tab under Setup > Section > Setup.
  5. Select the method by which the Annual mark will be calculated for each division in Tools > Code Setup > School > Web Advanced > Division Settings - GB.AnnualCalculation.
    1. Select the division setting of GB.AnnualCalculation.
    2. In the Value field, enter the calculation method:
      1. Calculated - will calculate the annual mark.
      2. Override - will use the override value if one was entered for any marking period(s). If there are no override marks, it will use the calculated.
      3. Published - will use the published mark from report cards. The published method may be used for divisions that do not use Gradebook.


II. Using the Annual Tab:

  1. The data displayed on the Annual tab is calculated based on the marks and data setup. The values are not saved in the system, but recalculated each time.
  2. The Override value allows the teacher to enter a manual annual mark which will save. Click save to save the override value. It will save to the marking period of Annual.