360° Solutions

Financial Tables Overview

Financial Tables:


IMF - Pledge information. There is one IMF record for each pledge record that is due. 

  • A pledge of $100 for campaign A will create one pledge record.

  • A pledge of $1000 for campaign A that is scheduled to be due over 10 months will create 10 pledge records.

  • A pledge of $50 for campaign A and $50 for campaign B will need to be entered as 2 pledges.


NSF - Solicitor(s) assigned to the account for a designated campaign.


IMFSOLICITORS - Solicitor(s) assigned to the pledge. There may be multiple solicitors (IMFSOLICITORS) linked to one pledge (IMF).


SCHEDULEHEADER - Pledge schedule information when it is a scheduled pledge.

  • A pledge scheduled for 10 installments will contain one SCHEDULEHEADER record and 10 IMF records.


ILF - Related accounts sharing the pledge. Multiple accounts may be linked to one pledge via the Connected Accounts.


CRF - Payment information. There is one CRF record for each payment made.

  • A payment of $100 will create one CRF record.

  • 10 post-dated checks entered will create 10 separate CRF records.


CRL - Links the payment to the pledge. There is one CRL record per payment/pledge link.

  • A payment of $100 being applied to one $100 pledge will create one CRL record. (One IMF, one CRF, one CRL.)

  • Two payments of $50 being applied to one $100 pledge will create two CRL records, one for each payment. (One IMF, two CRF, two CRL.)

  • A single payment of $100 paying two separate pledges will create two CRL records, one for each pledge. (Two IMF, one CRF, two CRL.)

  • When a payment is unapplied, there will be one CRF, one CRL, but no IMF.


RCL - Receipt information. There is one RCL record for each CRL record.


CRH - History file mirrors all financial activity (new records, changes, and deletions) and records changes made to the IMF, CRF, and CRL, such as changes to deposit date, amounts, and the campaign. 


CHF- Campaign ID. A campaign id must be selected for every pledge.


Adding a Pledge:

  • Add IMF (Pledge) - always

  • Add CRH (Logging) - always

  • Add IMFSOLICITORS (Solicitor)- if assigning solicitors to the pledge

  • Add NSF (Account Solicitor) - if solicitors are being updated based on pledge solicitor

  • Update CRL (Payment Distribution) - if applying an unapplied payment

  • Add SCHEDULEHEADER (Schedule Description) -  if the pledge is scheduled in installments.

  • Add ILF (Connected Accounts) - if adding connected accounts


Adding a Payment:

  • Add CRF (Payment) - always

  • Add CRL (Payment Distribution) - always

  • Add CRH (Logging) - always

  • Add RCL (Receipt) - if there will be a receipt

  • Add IMF (Pledge) - if adding a new donation with the payment

  • Update IMF (Pledge) due - if applying the payment to an existing pledge