360° Solutions

Financial Overview

Dealing with accounts receivable is an integral part of running any organization. How an organization deals with their accounts receivable is one of the factors determining its success or failure. Both the proper tracking of all accounts receivable and the ability to easily access well-organized information are keys to success.


The Financials module provides a centralized location for the maintenance of your organization's accounts receivable records. The financial module will:

  • Simplify the accurate recording of financial transactions generated by fundraising activities
  • Enable effective follow-up
  • Promote the tracking and management of all accounts receivable
  • Organize all accounts receivable information and make it readily available for use.
  • Provide access to all details of your organization's accounts receivable
  • Facilitate preparation and tracking of bank deposits
  • Maintain availability of financial information for use in related activities such as fundraising or evaluation of an account's financial track record.

Financials Module Integration

The Financial module works in conjunction with other 360° modules to provide a centralized location for the tracking and management of financial transactions.
Financial transactions, including pledges (any commitment to pay) and payments, are entered into the system per account. Payments made to your organization are entered using the Financials module.

Pledges can be entered through the Financials module, or may originate from other areas in the system, such as the Tuition Contracts. Regardless of the data entry method, the financial data entered will be accessible in the financial module's panels.


See Financial Tables Overview for an overview of the data model.