360° Solutions

Importing Lockers

The locker import facilitates the data entry process by importing a list of lockers for students instead of manually adding it to each student individually.


1. Log onto the Staff Portal.


2. Navigate to Admin > Import.


3. Select Lockers.


4. Select Download Template to download  the file template in which to enter the locker data to import.

The file must be saved in .csv format (it can be opened in excel).



5. Enter the locker information:


Field Name



Code Must Preexist in Codes Setup.


Person id (can be found on the Demographics > People panel).



Locker Code

Student’s locker number, or locker type (GYM, HALL)



Tools > Codes Setup – School – Student – Lockers - Lockers

Serial Number

Serial number of the lock, or, if locker code is used for type then this is the student’s locker number


No, the code will be created upon import.

If the code already exists, it will be updated with the new combination.


Locker combination


No, it will be created upon import.




If there is no term, it will be imported to the current term.



6. Save the file in .csv format.


7. On the portal's Admin > Import page, select Lockers. .


8. In the dialogue box, select Browse  to select the file to import.


9. Select Import.


  • Test the import with one or a few students first
  • If a student has 2 locker records, only the first locker record will be visible on the portal.
  • The Portal > Student Profile screen show the Locker Code and Combination. Combination is security controlled. It is only visible to ADMIN and PRINCIPAL roles.