Cross Tab by Campaign Year
The Cross Tab by Campaign Year prints, per account, the total pledge amount (or balance) per campaign and year. It shows up to 4 years, in addition to a 5th column for all other years. It can be sorted by pledge amount.
This report is commonly used to analyze the giving history of donors by year, for specific campaigns.
Displays: Account Name, contact information (home address and phone are report options), id, campaign, the pledge or due amount for 4 years, pledge or due amount for all other years, and total amount.
An * will print next to an amount if there is an open balance.
Sample Query Criteria: The following criteria will generate a list of all donors that pledged for any DON or DNRD campaign.
Report Options:
Filter the 4 years to select the years to display in each of the columns. All pledges for years not included in these 4 selected ones will display in the column ‘Prior’.
Show address and phone – select to display the donor’s address and phone
Print Only – select ‘Amount Pledged’ to display the pledge amount in each column, or select ‘Amount Due’ to show just the balance.
Sort by Pledge Amount – select to sort by amount pledge instead of by donor name. If using this option, select the campaign by which to sort in the report option CampaignIDToSortBy .
Sorting: By default, the donors sort by name. There is a report option to sort by pledge amount.