Collection Enhanced
The Collection Enhanced report prints per donor, the total amount pledge, paid, credit, and due per campaign. This report is the most popular for collections and financial overview per account.
Displays: name, address, phone, campaign id, campaign description, pledge amount, paid amount, credit amount, current due, total due. There is a report option to show the current students. There is a report option to show time-span of pledge due date or post dated checks.
Sample Query Criteria: The following query will print all accounts that have an outstanding balance for campaign TUI2011 and will print their pledges for the campaigns TUI2011 & TUI2012.
Filter the Account Info to select the accounts to print on the report.
Filter the Payment and Pledges TVF to select the pledges to print.
Filter the report options ‘data to return’ for the pledges and payments to be included and the address & phones to print on the report.
Sorting: Sorts accounts alphabetically.