360° Solutions

Campaign Analysis




The Campaign Analysis report prints the total amount of pledges and payments per campaign solicitor. This report credits the pledges to the solicitor for the campaign and year selected on the sorting tab of the query. An account must have the solicitor as its campaign solicitor for the campaign and year in order for it to be credited towards the solicitor.


Displays: Solicitor, replies (number of accounts credited to the solicitor on the report), total amount pledged, paid, due, and average pledge amount for the solicitor.


Sample Query Criteria: The following criteria will print the solicitors and the amounts brought in by them for DON2013.


Report Options:

The Sorting tab must be filtered.

Sort by – select Solicitor Campaign and Year

Campaign Code– select the campaign of the campaign solicitor

Year – select the year of the campaign solicitor. This will usually reflect the campaign selected on the criteria tab.


See Also