Report Options Tab
The Report Options is accessed from the Criteria Prompts Window. It is the second tab on the window.
There are two parts to the Report Options:
Report Options
TVF and Function parameter prompts (Data to Return Options)
1. Report Options
a. Custom Options - contains options affecting the layout such as additional columns to display and options to sort to the data.
Many reports also include the options:
Location - select the client's name that will display on the report if the client has multiple locations.
Report Header - enter a description to display on the top of the report.
b. General Options - contains infrequently-used advanced general settings. By default, it is a collapsed section.
2. Data to Return Options (TVF and Function prompts) - contains pre-defined prompts that is not controlled by the user's query criteria and affects the data that will be displayed on the report.
Some reports, as in the example above, contain options whether to display addresses and phone numbers, how many, and the address and phone types to display on the report.
The Data To Return Options contain all your TVF and Function prompts. As