360° Solutions

Class Sections

Class Sections define the instances of the class which can change from year to year and semester to semester. Teachers are assigned to class sections, students are enrolled in class sections, and new sections are created each year for the same class. Class sections, or sections, may be named by using letters or numbers. Ex: Class 9_MATH may have Section 1 that meets at period 1 and Section 2 at period 4. Every class must have at least one section for the school term in order to enroll students to the class.


For example, Mr. Adams teaches two sections of the 6th grade Math class, while Ms. Brown teaches the third. Students are enrolled in one of the three math sections.. The class 6_MATH contains 3 sections:

  • 6_MATH section A (teacher Mr. Adams)
  • 6_MATH section B (teacher Mr. Adams)
  • 6_MATH section C (teacher Mrs. Brown)


The sections may be viewed in Tools > Code Setup > Classes > Sections.

The example below shows 6_MATH sections A, B, C for the term RG2015 and sections A, B for the term RG2014. Term RG2013 had sections 1, 2.






To facilitate the data entry of class sections, create them from the School Administration > Class Sections wizard instead of adding them in code setup.




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