Parent Information
This page contains the name and contact information of the parents, similar to a registration form, including business information and grandparents. It will pre-fill the data already entered in the 360° system for the parents to update or correct.
1. The parent email and cell phones can be set up to display either the business or personal address in 360°.
2. Parent occupation codes under the business address section can be set up in Tools > Code Setup > Demographics > Business Information > Occupation.
a. If a parent selects other as the occupation, the occupation type will be saved in 360° as other and the occupation entered will be saved in the business address notes.
3. An optional field for Affiliation or Synagogue can display under the home fax.
4. Changes to grandparent information must be entered in the section "Please indicate any corrections".
All of the information that the parents update on this form will be saved directly into 360° with the exception of the grandparent updates. As this is just a text field, the school staff will need to update the grandparents' accounts in the system manually.
5. Select to submit and continue
to the next page.