360° Solutions

Cut Class Report




The Attendance – Cut Class report prints a list of cut classes by student per day along with a semester and yearly per student’s class.

The classes will need to be scheduled in order to use this report.


Displays: Date, student grade, student name, account number, class, period, teacher, attendance note, semester total of cuts for the class, yearly total of cuts for the class, and the total number of students with cut classes per day.


Sample Query Criteria: The following criteria will print the students who cut class for the week of 2/20/2013.

The following criteria has been pre-set on this report’s criteria. Your data must be set up accordingly in order to generate an accurate report:

Excludes any student marked absent for the ‘Daily Attendance’ class on the selected day.

Includes any student marked absent and not excused for a class that is not the ‘Daily Attendance’ class.

The Teachers Info is filtered to print only the primary teacher’s name on the report.


Note that this report uses the attendance code of ‘Absent’ to indicate a missed class. If you are using a different attendance code, edit the criteria accordingly.




Sorting: The days print in chronological order from oldest to most recent.

The students within each day sort by grade and then by student name.

The classes for each student sort by class name.