Attendance - Monthly
The Attendance - Monthly prints the attendance infractions for each class, per student per day, each month on a separate page. It is in a grid format, each day of the month as a separate column and each student a separate row. The format makes it easy to see at a glance the attendance pattern of the month and displays the total number of infractions per student for the month as well.
Displays: Student name, up to 5 columns of attendance infractions that totals per student (select the attendance codes in the report options), and columns for each day of the month. A total of each attendance code for the class prints on the bottom.
Sample Query Criteria: The following criteria will print the attendance for the division LS. Select the attendance codes and the attendance date range on the report options.
Report Options:
Select up to 5 attendance codes to print and the date range of the attendance. The following options will print the attendance for the month of May 2013 only.
Sorting: The pages sort by month and within each month, by class.