Advanced Query Criteria: Nesting "And" and "Or"
360° queries can contain nested ands and ors to create more complex criteria sets. This is used to group multiple pieces of criteria to run in one criteria set.
In the simple criteria below, the query result will display all accounts who have pledge to campaign DON2012 in any amount, OR those who have pledged more than 1,000 to any campaign, OR those who are in the association BM.
To display accounts who have pledged more than 1,000 to DON2012, or those who are in the association of BM, the criteria of Campaign ID and Amount Pledged will need to be grouped together.
1. If the criteria rows are not in the correct
order, use the arrows on the left to move the row up
or down.
2. Click on the arrow to
separate the criteria into groups.
It will insert a group separator line
3. The group separator line is by default AND, which will require the account to belong to both groups of criteria to display on the report. To change it to OR, click on the word AND.
4. Change the All / Any links if applicable.
5. To remove the grouping, click on the X to the left of the group separator line.
In the criteria below, the query result will display all accounts who have pledged over 1,000 to campaign DON2012 Or those who are in the association of BM.