File Store
The file store is where the generated documents are saved.
In some cases, you will need to change the report card’s publish code to “Review” or “Hold.” In these cases, follow the instructions below to utilize the File Store feature.
- In 360, navigate
to Tasks > File Store
- In the File Store Documents window, select the following parameters to filter your results:
a. File Type - Select "Report Card" from the drop-down list.
b. Publish Code - Select the Publish Code of the generated document you want to load.
c. Term - Select the term of the documents you want to load.
d. Marking Period ID - Select the marking period of the documents you want to load.
- If you would like
to change a report card’s status from “Review” to “On Hold” (e.g.
a student has an overdue book), select the report card(s), go to the
Change Publish Code drop-down list and select “On Hold.” Then,
select a Reason Code. These fields are located at the bottom
of the screen. Note that you can set up additional reason codes under
Code Setup.
- If you would like
to change a report card’s status from “Review” to “Published,” select
the report card(s), go to the Change Publish Code drop-down
list and select “Published.”
- Click
NOTE: use the select
all link to select all documents.