Search Criteria Fields
The following commonly used fields are available on the Quick-Search Toolbar.
ID - Enter the account number. The ID can only be searched using the "Equals" operator.
Reference # - As the Reference ID may contain a mix of letters and numbers, any operator maybe used such as starts with.
Company/Name - Search by a Company name, or by Last Name/First Name.
- Only Primary and Spouse account members and Company accounts will be included in the search.
- A Last Name and First Name field will display. Enter a first name, last name, or both. If entering both names, only account members who match the first name and last name will display.
- To search for a company name, enter the name in the Last Name field. The company account and all accounts that have the company selected as a firm on their business address will display on the search results.
Phone - Enter a phone number.
Student Name - Search by Student name
- Only account members that have a grade for a past, current, or future term will be included in the search.
- A Last Name and First Name field will display. Enter a first name, last name, or both. If entering both names, only account members who match the first name and last name will display.
- If a Student was found fitting the criteria, the Primary and Spouse account members on the student's account will display on the Search Results. Expand the search result to display the Student's name and current grade.
All Names - Search by First Name and/or Last Name.
- All account members in the system will be included in the search - including students, children, and company accounts.
- A Last Name and First Name field will display. Enter a first name, last name, or both. If entering both names, only account members who match the first name and last name will display.
Address - Enter an address.